On 7th December, Professor Shuguang Zhang, Rector of CityU, Professor Kong Fanqing, Vice Rector of CityU, Dr. Eva Khong, Executive Associate Dean of FOB, Mr. Fong Kwong Yee, Coordinator of FOB BBA Program and Ms. Luisa Lao Admissions Officer, held a meeting with FOB International Business Cohort students to review the progress of the said program.
Rector Zhang conducted a dialogue with the students in English and encouraged them to freely acquaint their opinions. Students remarked that such small class sized teaching in English was effective to enhance learning in terms of obtaining knowledge in international perspective as well as equipped with foreign language skills. In addition, the scheduled academic and extra-curriculum activities such as Bank of China Forums, Academic Seminars, English Club Events, Company visits further enhanced the knowledge of theory and practice integration. Students actively expressed their thoughts and feelings of the program and they earnestly looked forward to the opportunities to learn more about the development of Mainland China as well as the world.
Rector Zhang stated that International Business Cohort grouped the talents from FOB, which was one of the popular faculties of CityU. Students on this program were granted the best resources for special training to equip themselves with competency for future undertaking. Rector Zhang proposed four encounters to students to encourage consistency in their learning effort.
- Participate in peer group interaction
Small group learning which highly regarded by students would facilitate a conducive learning environment. A small collaborative groups could build mutual trust and respect and learning from each other thus optimizing their own learning and achievements subsequently.
- Participate in business and leadership training
The faculty provided a strong team of academia support to develop students’ entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Besides administered taught courses, the faculty would invite renown business enterprises to jointly organized seminars and training opportunities to equip students with practical hands on experience. It is encouraged to establish good acquaintance with academic staff members to help to develop students’ leadership potential.
- Cultivate good reading habits
In light of the knowledge economy, students were encouraged to develop good reading habits in various aspects. Besides academic studies, students were recommended to read according to their preferences e.g., poems, books and novels etc. which served to furnish themselves with rich knowledge.
- Participate in International learning activities
The university would provide arrangements for students to participate in various training activities to enable students to obtain international exposures to be well prepared for their future career undertaking and development.
Rector Zhang was pleased with the progress the students made in the said program. He encouraged students to meet with the challenges ahead of them with an opened mind, in addition, to endure their international learning and knowledge. Rector Zhang believed that students would make it to the success with their consistent effort.
Vice Rector Kong stated that the meeting with students was remarkable. As this was the first gathering of International Business Cohort, which was the first talented program launched in City U. Moreover, all students presented in English fluently reflected a good grasp of the English language. Vice Rector Kong declared that she would try to fulfill the commitments to train and develop students of the said program and furthermore, to promote the program to other faculties in order to develop more talented students for the community.
Dr. Eva Khong extended her appreciation to the University for the continuous support to this program. She was pleased with the students’ enthusiasm and positive learning attitude and wished them the best of luck in their forthcoming examinations.
Rector Zhang and Vice Rector Kong welcomed comments and suggestions and encouraged students to establish interaction with them for further refinement of the program.